Around the house

Design. Food. Inspiration.


Arguably, in addition to being the nicest word, 'home' may be one of the most important. Not the idea of 'home' as presented to us through social media and 24-hour design networks, rather as a place of sanctuary and peace, and a place where we can retreat from a busy world or welcome friends who bring us joy.

It is easy to be deceived into thinking a counter without crumbs, trim without fingerprints, and the latest designer trend are necessary for a happy life. ​

When we built our home, we made a concerted effort to regularly remind ourselves of the true purpose of our home. It was to be comfortable for us, as we raised two boys, who despite my best efforts, do not understand the meaning of 'be careful.' It was to be a home for living. Durability and functionality were as important as beauty. We wanted floors that could be scratched, cabinets that would survive sticky drips of jelly, and walls that could be easily brought back to life with the wipe of a sponge, all without making us weep. We did not get it all right the first time, but we came close, and over time, we make adjustments that get us closer. One day, the house will be devoid of wild boys, which will be far sadder for me, than my walls requiring some paint. ​

Here, we will share some of the projects we do around our home, along with some of what inspires us. 

Where we love is home-home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.
-Oliver Wendell Holmes