
We have a new friend. Sweet Williams Bonnibel aka Bonnie was born April 29th. Bonnibel’s mother is Pine Knot Belle, who came to us in February. Her name, Scottish in origin, means “cheerful and beautiful,” which fits her perfectly. She will be the first registered Shetland Sheep from our farm.

While we have had other Shetlands born here, they were born to unregistered stock. In reality, four of our previous lambs could be registered, but I have been unsuccessful at getting the shepherd we purchased our matriarch from to follow through with getting her registered. That has been a lesson learned. If you desire registered stock, do not take possession of a “registerable ewe” until the paperwork is complete.

Our animals are pets, with lifelong rights to live here, so their registration status is not particularly important to us. That said, this winter, we made the decision that any future Shetland additions would be registered with the North American Shetland Sheep Association. As we have gotten to know this breed better, and fallen deeper and deeper in love, we have realized that we have an obligation to help protect the breed.

By being selective in our breeding stock, and ensuring they meet the standards of the breed, we will do our part to ensure that Shetlands can be enjoyed and protected for generations to come.

Shetland are what is known as a primitive or “unimproved” breed. They maintain many of the characteristics and attributes of the sheep that were introduced to the Shetland Islands of Scotland, by the Vikings, more than 1,000 years ago. These include: durability, hardiness, strong survival instincts, ease of lambing, and even an ability to shed their fine wool. Much of these ease and hardiness traits have been bred out of other modern, improved breeds.

Bonnie seems to have inherited those “hardiness” traits. She is a tough little one, unafraid of standing up to the older flock members, and wise enough to watch and learn the ways of the farm. We look forward to watching her grow and lead the way as we develop our registered flock.


Koi Ponds


Orchard Guild